Topic outline

  • Digital Learning Solutions

    DLS LogoDigital Learning Solutions

    Digital literacy means having the skills you need to live, learn, and work in a world where the use of technology such as social media (Facebook, Twitter etc); the use of the Internet and physical devices such as iPads is inescapable. The use of IT equipment and software is constantly increasing both in the workplace and at home, being confident in your IT skills can have a positive impact in making day to day tasks much easier.

    The Team offer training and support to all Trust staff. No matter what level your skills are currently at, or the role your currently perform within the Trust – we can offer a variety of tools in order to boost your confidence and improve your abilities. Rather than focusing on one particular piece of software or equipment – Digital Literacy looks at improving skills which can be used in a wide variety of software or IT equipment.

    • Face to Face: Face to face training is usually on a 121 basis. This means that the topics covered can be tailored to each individual user. Prior to your first session, a trainer will contact you to discuss your individual needs so that they can prepare a Training Plan which can be started from the first training meeting. We offer face to face training at one of our three training venues: Gee House (central); West Heath Hospital (south); Sutton Cottage Hospital (north)

    • Virtual: Online training is available via the NHS Training system, the IT Skills Pathway, which is free for all staff to use. The system is completely self-service. Once registered, users can enrol on any course on the system free of charge. There is no limit on how many courses a user can enrol on and no end date by which courses must be completed. The system includes a Self-Assessment tool, which can suggest learning pathways relevant to each user, based on their needs and goals.

      This system includes courses on all the key Microsoft applications such as PowerPoint, Word, Excel and Outlook. They also include basic courses on both Digital Literacy and Digital Skills – which cover the fundamental skills you need to be more confident with IT. The courses available cater from beginner to more advanced users and all are self-enrolment. The system can be accessed on any computer either at work or at home.  

      To register for the online training system, or to learn more about the Self Assessment Tool, please read through the help documentation.

    Virtual and Telephone Support

    A trainer can provide you with support via telephone or Microsoft Teams


    A trainer can visit you in your workplace to provide face to face support

    For further information please contact the Digital Skills Training Team

    By or by phone 0121 466 7212

    A wide range of user guides are available by clicking here.

    To request training for Staff, please complete and return the Training Requirements form to